It has been a year since I created this online-blog. I didn't actually think that I would have any success in attracting people that were interested in more than an intellectual pursuit when it comes to divination. When I created this blog it was more for personal education and a launching pad for me in learning things that I had long yearned to learn. After a year now I realize how many others there are out there that also seek to understand Christ-centered divination and mysticism that early Mormon and ancient "Christians" practiced.
I was so unaware that people would at all contribute to this blog that I failed to even check up on it. Amidst all of the junk mail postings I get to the blog, I entirely missed the honest individuals that came here to share- for that I am sorry I have been negligent. I think it is high time now to come forward with these things and prepare more on a personal/spiritual level the relevance of divination in Christianity and the myriad of tools that have been used in addition to what are known as seer stones. I quote from the Book of Mormon, Moroni:
"Wherefore, all things which are good cometh from God; and that which is evil cometh of the devil... take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil... it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night..."
"...for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Chirst, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God."
"But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil..."
"...seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully..."
"...if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ."
"And behold, there were divers ways that he did manifest things unto the children of men, which were good, and all things which are good cometh of Christ..."
"...and they who have faith in him will cleave unto every good thing..."(Moroni 7:12-19, 24, 28)
I have had so many "intellectuals" and in my opinion "pseudo" Mormons come forward stating they readily uphold the law and the prophets, the Book of Mormon, and all scripture considered Mormon "canon" while at the same time condemn so easily and with predjudice things they do not understand simply because it is different and unconventional by their standards of experience. If fact, one of the most common reactionary conversations and dialogues I have had with folks captures their apparent hypocrisy when they claim they sustain and hold true men such as Enoch, Melchizadek, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph of Egypt, Moses, and in Mormonism, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and their apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators; but as soon as you reveal to their delicate Americanized and sectarian minds a little history of the character and practices of these "strange" and "wild" men they want to howl and cry blasphemy. Such is the condition of our times in these Last Times of times.
**If you don't like what I have to say then read elsewhere, this is my blog space.**
How are we to judge things that are foreign to us? Simply by the words of Moroni posted above. It is that simple, there is no other way to judge or consider. Let us suspend our doubt if but for a moment if necessary and explore these things that come to us in unlikely and unconventional ways. Such types of men where the men of Christian faith.
Now, on to matters more important. If there are individuals that have experience with divination or have a collection of stones or rods or otherwise have knowledge of the matters this blog is dedicated to, I invite you to come forward and share. I will be of as much insight and assistance as possible. Thank you for bearing through my rant.
Christmas Letter 2019
5 years ago
Interesting stuff, I'll be checking it out for sure. Where did you say you got that photo of the Seer stone? Last I heard it was seen at the dedication of the Salt Lake Temple. And not seen publicly since.
Some important points:
1. The stone doesn't reveal anything. God does, through the Holy Ghost, using the stone. Be careful to put your trust in God, not the stone.
2. It is just like the Liahona - it works according to the care and head given to what is revealed. If God tells you to study your scriptures more, be nicer to your mother, and help with the dishes more then don't expect a lot more instruction until you start following what you have been told so far.
3. If you get a revelation saying your Bishop is off track and you should correct him (or anyone else with more authority than you) then you can be sure it wasn't a revelation from God.
4. When Oliver Cowdery wanted to use a seer stone to translate he was told: "do not ask for that which you ought not" (D&C 8:10). It is easy to aspire to be a seer but search your soul. Will you only ask according to God's will? What is your true deep-down motivation? That same verse also includes the warning: "trifle not with these things."
5. Finally, you need to learn to keep quiet about things. Can you really keep a secret? Really?
These comments are dated in 2006-2007, anything more current? Just curious what the latest is.
I read that the stone needs to be "dedicated" for the specific purpose. Any instructions (guide lines, etc) on dedicating your own stone? Hence will any stone become your personal seer stone after you've dedicated it?
Fascinating stuff, gentlemen (and ladies?)
And while we need to use our minds as diligently as we can, should we expect to either be able to find or learn how to operate a seerstone without revelation? I rather doubt it. By study and faith....
Frankly, I worry that my heart is not quite right enough for a seerstone. It is easy enough to get in trouble on the internet. What about something that has infinitely more power than Google could ever dream?
Just an interesting link for the interested-
An article on Dialogue - quite informative.
Cool blog David!
I agree with you about the close-mindedness of many orthodox Mormons, and their unwillingness to explore extra-canonical sources of information, or even older stuff that is no longer a part of mainstream Mormonism. However, I look at the whole issue of magic in Mormonism as more of a phase that the early brethren went through because they came from a culture that valued this magical tradition. I don't look at these things as "magic words" or "secret codes", so to speak, that you can simply know and suddenly have a whole new world unlocked.
I have been very much helped lately by a study of an American philosophical movement that began last century called Pragmatism. (Read Charles Pierce or William James for more information). This movement basically says that any belief or practice should be judged from the perspective of what effect it has on people in particular and the world at large. So, if I'm analyzing whether or not a belief is desirable or undesirable, I should seek to do so by trying to figure what kind of effect it has on the world. This doesn't mean that a belief must be "true" in the sense of being historically accurate for it to be valuable. Pragmatists would say "truth is what works," meaning that something is true if it promotes more desirable conditions, regardless of whether it was based on some historically verifiable piece of information, and that truth therefore depends on what individuals and communities desire.
In this particular case, one could look at both the good and bad effects of a belief in magic and seerstones. Some of the good effects might be that inspiring information could be revealed by these beliefs. Some of the bad effects might be an increase in sectarianism (because each group receives its own different revelation) and an increase in superstitious behavior (belief in something without a reasonable justification) and a willingness to believe improbable explanations for events over more probable ones.
I believe that knowledge is power, and that the more one's belief system provides measurable and predictable insights into how a person or a community should act, the better it is. When viewed from the perspective of what it allows us to predict and accomplish, I would say nothing has a better track record than the scientific method, and the tools of science and technology. That does not mean, of course, that science and technology hold all the answers and tools. Other tools are also required for the improvement of society, which I believe religion is uniquely adapted for, such as faith, hope and love.
I consider myself to be a TBM, but I am also learning to be a Druid and a Mage. I made myself a set of Ogham sticks that I have got some good results from. Is it any different from Joseph divining with a cup or Gideon using a dew-covered fleece? (Ethically, I mean)
I have a strong testimony of Joseph Smith and Christ. I have had success in two methods. One looking into a river and saw things that I should do and shortly came to pass, and second using a bobber (pendulum) to determine the location of something. I have tried these reluctantly and fear doing wickedly or being deceived. It talks in the Book of Mormon about people resorting to witchcraft (also Saul). If these things didn't cause fear, and I judged based on the experience alone, I would say they were wonderful! But I have been deceived before on an unrelated matter.
If only Joseph preached a sermon on it, or left a clearer record.
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